Low fitness may increasedepression and anxiety: Study
Researchers have foundthat people with low aerobic and muscular fitness are nearly twice as likely toexperience depression.
Low fitness levels alsopredicted a 60 per cent greater chance of anxiety, over a seven-year follow-up,according to the study published in the journal BMC Medicine.
“Here we have provided further evidence of arelationship between physical and mental health, and that structured exerciseaimed at improving different types of fitness is not only good for yourphysical health, but may also have mental health benefits,” said study authorAaron Kandola from University College London (UCL) in the UK.
The study involved 152,978participants aged between 40 and 69 years.
Their baseline aerobicfitness at the start of the study period was tested by using a stationary bikethe increasing resistance, while their muscular fitness was measured with agrip strength test.
They also completed aquestionnaire gauging depression and anxiety symptoms.
Seven years later theywere tested again for depression and anxiety symptoms, and the researchersfound that high aerobic and muscular fitness at the start of the study wasassociated with better mental health seven years later.
People with the lowestcombined aerobic and muscular fitness had 98 per cent higher odds ofdepression, 60 per cent higher odds of anxiety, and 81 per cent higher odds ofhaving either one of the common mental health disorders, compared to those withhigh levels of overall fitness.
“Our findings suggest that encouraging peopleto exercise more could have extensive public health benefits, improving notonly our physical health but our mental health too,” said study author JosephHayes from UCL.
Improving fitness througha combination of cardio exercise and strength and resistance training appearsto be more beneficial than just focusing on aerobic or muscular fitness,according to the study.
“Other studies have found that just a fewweeks of regular intensive exercise can make substantial improvements toaerobic and muscular fitness, so we are hopeful that it may not take much timeto make a big difference to your risk of mental illness,” the authors wrote.